Agri- Mechanics

Agri Mechanics - 2024
Stephanie Thomas, Chairman
903-563-4328 or
Entry Form
Location: Titus County Fair Livestock Pavilion
Tuesday, September 24th All Day - Wednesday, September 25th until 2:00 PM. - Ag Mechanics move to Fair Grounds
Thursday, September 26th – Ag Mechanics Show – 2:00 PM
Titus County Agriculture Mechanic Contest Rules
1. Eligible participants for Market Division include 4-H or FFA members who attend school in and reside in Titus County. Eligible participants for Open Division include 4-H or FFA members who attend school in Titus, Morris, Camp, Franklin or Red River Counties.
2. Students may enter as individuals, partners (two or more students), or as part of a chapter entry. However, students cannot be part of both an individual AND partner or chapter entry (in the market division). Chapter entries will not specify names of students who constructed the project and will not be eligible for the sale. Only individual and partner entries will be eligible for the sale. Chapter entries will count toward Chapter Sweepstakes Awards.
3. There will be no limit on chapter or club projects in the open division. Individuals and/or partnerships will be limited to one entry in the market show. An entry fee of $25.00 will be charged for each project in the show and is due in the fair office by 4 p.m. on September 15, 2024.
4. Sale of Ag Mechanics top two (2) market projects in each of the five (5) classes will be in conjunction with the livestock auction. The next ten (10) will be sold by silent auction from 5 p.m. until 15 minutes after completion of Market Auction, on Saturday, September 28th. Exhibitors must be present during the silent auction.
5. Open Division projects and Market Division projects that require opening other gates to release and that do not make the sale may be removed Friday morning between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.; after that, projects must stay until 11:30 p.m. September 28th, 2024 All other Ag Mechanics projects may be removed after completion of auction Saturday, September 28, 2024 or on Sunday anytime.
6. Exhibitors must be present during judging and available to answer questions from the judge about the construction and/or function of the project. Exhibitors not present at the time of judging will be disqualified.
7. Exhibitors that will be make the sale or silent auction must have pictures taken by Fair Photographer with project to be eligible to sale. Photographer will be on hand to take pictures as winners are announced.
8. Judging of projects will be based on:
a. Workmanship (30 pts)
b. Design & Materials Used (20 pts)
c. Practicality (20 pts)
d. Degree of Difficulty (10 pts)
e. General Appearance & Finish (10 pts)
f. Presentation & Knowledge of the Project (10 pts)
Total = 100 points
9. The Ag Mechanics Show will consist of two divisions:
a. Market Division - There will be 5 classes in the market division. The top two entries in
each class will be sold. (Total of ten projects will be sold in auction, next 10 (by score) will be
eligible for silent auction.
I. Outdoor Furniture (picnic tables, lawn chairs, patio planters, etc.)
II. Indoor Furniture/Crafts (lamps, desks, tables, etc.)
III. Farm Equipment (fencing equipment, tractor equipment, etc.)
IV. Trailers (bumper pull, gooseneck, and anything with axle)
V. Recreational Equipment (smokers, deer stands, deer feeders, etc.)
b. Open Division - There will be 3 classes. Entries in this division will not be sold.
I. Trailers
II. Non-Trailers
III. Tractor
10. There will be a Champion and Reserve Champion Project for each of the market and open divisions. Projects in different divisions will not compete against each other.
11. All general Titus County Rules must be followed as outlined in the fair catalog.
12. Prefabricated or Kit Projects will not be permitted.
13. Titus County Fair will not be responsible for projects in case of loss or damage.
14. Exhibitors must be present during the sale to take projects into the sale arena.
15. Any deviation from these rules will require action from the Livestock Show Executive Board.
16. Students are required to get with buyers to arrange for delivery of projects.
17. Any participant that qualifies for the sale will be required to have a photo done by the official fair livestock photographer following the placing of the sale order.
18. Exhibitor must follow the Titus County Fair Junior Market Show general rules.
19. Rules and times listed here in this book are final over any listed elsewhere.
Additional Information: Stephanie Thomas (903) 563-4328
2015 Results
Name | Project | Place | School | Market Division Project Class |
Showmanship/ Champion |
Victor Alvarado | Land Plane | 1 | Rivercrest FFA | Farm Equipment | |
Ryleigh Stegall | ATV Disk | 2 | CH FFA | Farm Equipment | |
Blake Porter | Hay Spike | 3 | MP FFA | Farm Equipment | |
Nathan Hill | 16' Entrance Gate | 4 | Rivercrest FFA | Farm Equipment | |
Jacob Eudy | Goat Feeder | 5 | Rivercrest FFA | Farm Equipment | |
Harley Stegall | Chicken Nesting Boxes | 6 | CH FFA | Farm Equipment | |
Riley Russell | Tractor Safety Lift | 7 | Rivercrest FFA | Farm Equipment | |
Keeley Henry & Ramiro Gonzalex |
Bed | 1 | Ch FFA | Indoor Furniture Crafts |
Madison Wells | Wood Coat Rack | 2 | Rivercrest FFA | Indoor Furniture Crafts |
Taylor Sargent Michael Mathis |
Dining Table | 3 | CF FFA | Indoor Furniture Crafts |
Noah O'Dell | Table | 4 | CH FFA | Indoor Furniture Crafts |
Mark Gable | Wooden Cross | 5 | Rivercrest FFA | Indoor Furniture Crafts |
Christian Ingram | Porch Swing | 1 | MP FFA | Outdoor Furniture | Grand Champion |
Kaiton Jackson Katie Lyles |
Outdoor Cooler | 2 | CH FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Caleb Walton | Bench | 3 | Rivercrest FFA | Outdoot Furniture | |
Zoe Carlisle | Pallet Feed Box or Pallet Cooler |
4 | CH FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Drew Hughes | Swing | 5 | CH Jr FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Shelby Young | Picnic Tables Adult/child |
6 | MP FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Max Daniel | Picnic Table | 7 | CH Jr FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Triston Blackwell | Picnic Table | 8 | Rivercrest FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Ruston Jones Will Phillips |
Bench | 9 | CH DDA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Tiffany Hudson Shanna Baxley Braylin Barker |
Cooler | 10 | MP FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Moses Baldazo Pablo Cordova |
Wagon Wheel Tractor Seat |
11 | Rivercrest FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Reed Stickels | Yard Art | 12 | MP FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Rylee French | Shadow Box | 13 | CH Jr FFA | Outdoor Furniture | |
Michael Hughes Cody Dubey David Azvala |
Hog Trap | 1 | CH FFA | Recreational Equipment |
Chase Vaughn Kyle Reynolds |
Pig Trap | 2 | MP FFA | Recreational Equipment |
Kamron Kelley | Hexagon Barbeque Pit | 3 | Rivercrest FFA | Recreational Equipment |
Alex Banda Alex Organista Tristin Holliday |
Fire Pit | 4 | CH FFA | Recreational Equipment |
Jared Anderson | Receiver Hitch Game Hanger |
5 | Rivercrest FFA | Recreational Equipment |
Jesus Hernandez | Deer Feeder | 6 | CH FFA | Recreational Equipment |
Anthony Sullivan Joseph Honzell |
Deer Feeder | 7 | MP FFA | Recreational Equipment |
Jace Henry Austin McKinney |
Single Hay Wagon | 8 | CH FFA | Trailer | Reserve Champion |
Nick Morton | 6 x 10 Trailer | 9 | CH FFA | Trailer |
Agri-Mechanics Open Division Winners
Name | Project | Place | School | Market Division Project Class |
Showmanship Champion |
Samanthan McCracken | Cattle Guard | 1 | CH FFA | Non-Trailer | Reserve Champion |
Caitlyn Billups Tracy Branch |
Bed Frame | 2 | CH FFA | Non-Trailer | Female Showmanship Male Showmanship |
Jesse Thompson | 1964 Farmall 140 Gold Edition |
3 | CH FFA | Tractor | Grand Champion |
Bruce Pena | 5 Bail Hay Trailer | 4 | MP FFA | Trailer | |
Collen Bradford | Hay Mover Caddy | 5 | CH FFA | Trailer |